Friday, 8 July 2011

There's always a lot to think about..

I always find my mind is going a million miles per hour and I find when I gather my thoughts and go to sit down to write a blog post or talk to my partner it escapes me almost instantly as my mind jumps straight back to mummy things. I find it really hard to separate myself from this. I barely find time to blog and be a new mum - by the way when do I no longer qualify as a 'new' mum? Anybody know?

It's just all so crazy.

I find I learn new things about myself everyday. I learn the new limit my patience is pushed to. I learn how crazy my thoughts can be, how long you can go without a shower (not intentionally) and yes it is possible to be even more and more tired than you thought your body could handle amongst other things.

I've been finding it really hard to withdraw myself from everything as you can so easily get absorbed into the day to day motions of being a mum yet can't get anything that's taunting me off my mind. So I think this calls for a Nanna rescue!

I don't like to burden my Nanna but she is so truly wise. She always has great insights and advice to things and looks after me although it should be the other way around. But I need it. I need her. So I'm sorry dear audience. I've packed my heart and my mind into my suitcase and I'm off to see Nanna's to clear my head, decide on some things and to have a little break from the world (although I'm still bringing the little monster so it does hardly count).. let's hope I make it back or will my stay be that good :P

Only thing, is she doesn't have internet so this is a scheduled blog post (hooray for that option) and I'll have to just do without my four week challenge posts (which need to majorly be sorted out!!) and my tweets which I'm thriving off at the moment. I love my little online family.


  1. Hi Melissa,
    Thank you for the shout out on twitter! So glad it led me to your beautiful blog. Whilst I'm sure being a "New Mum" has an expiration date, I don't think the feeling of being one ever really goes away... well for me it hasn't. With each new stage, difficulty, drama and milestone my little ones have I am inexperienced and new to, giving me that "New Mum" feeling cos hey it's new to this mum. << Hoping that made sense lol it was perfect in my head and disappeared before I got it down.
    Enjoy your Nanna, I hope she brings you some calm and clarity.

    Moodi Mumma xox

  2. Ahhh that's so nice of you! :D Totally understand what you meant! I'm the perfect person to talk to when you don't make sense (as my partner would know all too well haha) because I never ever make sense and find it so hard to bring my thoughts together! I don't even know how I'm blogging half the time!

    Nanna was just awesome, should have stayed another night but I think she might need a break as she's been watching my much younger sister a lot as she's been a bit unwell :)

    Thanks for the comment, made my day today awesome!!
    :D x
