Thursday, 30 June 2011

In good news..

So I think I've done it all. I've tried expressing more, feeding more, drinking more, eating more, medication (motilium with domperidone included), lactation cookies, a naturopath type remedy. I just don't know what else to try, and like I've said before I don't like to give up but maybe there's nothing else I can do. Like a friend who's just given birth maybe 2 weeks ago now still hasn't had her milk come in and is waiting so patiently.. and another friend who's milk just never did! So should I just count my chickens and cash them in or what?

So in good news it hasn't decreased any further.. maybe just ever so slightly increased.. but alas it is making things hard. It's like having to cook dinner once you've just eaten a small bit of fast food? Why not just buy your whole meal from the fast food outlet (by the way this place is amazing.. free and babies seem to love it!) BUT if you can't then I guess why bother going out only to come home and have to cook something extra to put with it.. you'd just stay in and cook the whole meal in the first place. A lot less effort I think..

IF I suddenly could grab a whole meal from the fast food outlet I SO WOULD. But I've just run out of ideas and just haven't been given anymore :S

Have you ever had a milk supply problem or know of any who has? What did they do to try and increase it? If you've finished breast-feeding how did you come off it without putting yourself through too much pain and engorgement? Tips? Tricks?


  1. Oh hard yards.

    With my eldest I had supply issues after going back to work part time (I pumped all the time, joy). The thing that finally got me back on track was a combination of fenugreek, blessed thistle, yeast (I drank beer, which I hate! Guiness blech!) and I spent two days or so just at home and putting him to the breast every half hour to hour (when he was awake, I wouldn't wake him).

    Lots of skin to skin contact... Any chance you can just curl up in bed together for an afternoon or so?

    Good luck, and know that whatever decision you make you have tried your very best. Your bub is lucky that you are the Mummy!

  2. Email me gorgeous. I'm a trainee breastfeeding counsellor with ABA, I'm sure I can find some info for you -

  3. Naaw thanks ladies that sounds wonderful! I will maybe try that (I also can't stomach beer blegh!) and i'll flick you an email. Oh yay this has excited and encouraged!!!! If I wasn't so sad about possibly having to stop I would have done it ages ago but I enjoy it so much :(

  4. Honey at the end of the day you need to do what is best for both of you,and maybe,just maybe a less stressed out Mummy is whats best :) Breastfeeding is great,but formula is pretty dang close to it as well.I take my hat off to you for bottle AND breastfeeding for as long as you have!Well done!!!! A tip if you do stop,is to not express as that will just keep your milk coming in,and to wear loose tops and dont wear underwires for a while as that could cause some pain.Love you tons and tons hun!You are such an amazing mum :)

  5. It's just so hard Natalie! :S I don't feel like I'm doing that great a job or are truly a great mum. I'm trying it just feels like I'm getting no where! :S Stuck in a bit of a hard place.. my mind and me.
