Monday, 28 March 2011

Finally.. hopefully I'm not typing too soon!

So for the last few days something strange.. he's finally napping through the day and settling just lovely at night. .  maybe it's just because he felt sorry for me and decided he'd given me a decent run for my money.

Still so exhausted. .  I keep forgetting to catch up with rest while he's sleeping! Instead I go into crazy mode and my mind suddenly kicks into overdrive of what I can get done. .  When I finally decided that it would be good to get to sleep (also running myself a bit dry) I lay down to a few minutes and then it's begun all over again. That will teach me for leaving it so late to nap though! A few hours of cleaning and organizing certainly gets away on me.

I found he had a bit of reflux (having no idea that he had it until a friend asked if he did) which was making him a bit upset and hard to settle. Thanks Gaviscon! I've also started mixing it with 4/5 gripe water which is helping him pass wind more often. .  still farting a lot of it out though - like a true man :P


  1. Your blog is so cool! Please write more, my friend and I both just had a bubba and I put her on to your blog and we both loved your posts so far. We'd love to hear more! Sam, Invercargill
