Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Big boys things!

I forgot to mention!!


My wee boy is growing up more and more each day!

I've moved him into the big bath! We were using the sink as it was just so easy and quick to fill while we were all finding our feet with becoming new parents! He was a bit uncertain at first but he still loves it just as much as before. .  maybe even more! I have a little towel sitter thing which makes him easier to clean and the water amount is a lot deeper and he now has HEAPS of room to kick and do his mini foot dance.

Bath time for him is a time where he just chills out; doesn't talk much, doesn't smile much but just lays back with the cutest relaxed face. .  has a bit of a look around and then stares at me while I clean him singing and blabbing away like a mad woman.


The reusable nappy VS disposables!

One might say I'm insane, once could compliment my eco-conscious efforts either way I've chosen to follow the way of the reusable!

You can either be hardcore and use them from day one but for me I decided I didn't want to have to worry about washing on top of discovering this new world of motherhood! SO I brought them with the hope that I would after a month. .  Turned out to be just after 3 months but hey, nevertheless! They are so great! I love how much money we're saving! It's super ideal at the moment cause $22 a week can now go towards petrol or other expenses!

He's a serial wetter so nappy changes go a bit like this:

When he wakes up I take out the two liner inserts. I then replace it with just one while we feed play etc. .  then just before his bottle top up/swaddling or as he's getting sleepy I take out the one liner insert and replace it with 2 fresh ones. So I go through 3 every time he gets up and goes back down. This works as he'd just wet through the one liner while sleeping. They suggest not to soak them or the outer covers but I nappysan them anyway. .  Nothings happened yet. Does anyone know what does, if anything?

- although I did come across another pack of reusables that I had been given for my baby shower so I'm using them up before he doesn't fit them! :O

NEXT ON MY LIST - reusable wipes and the big move (bassinette to cot! AUGGH!)


  1. The reusables that I got suggested soaking so I guess it changes from brand to brand. What I really wanted to say though is...

    I ADORE his mini foot jig! It is the sweetest most amazing thing to watch!!

  2. I found this while looking for craft projects on cut out and keep and I thought you might be interested:


  3. I keep meaning to buy stuff to try out these wipes but every week I forget then all the moneys gone! :O I have since been told soaking them will cause them to loose their absorbency so maybe I wont risk it but did notice they weren't working as well so maybe.. Improved since I stopped soaking!
