Monday, 9 May 2011

A bit of a fright and thank you..

First off YAY and thank you to all my new followers! I now have a total of 6! How crazy is this?! Even if you don't read it I will feel like you are. Cool!

So I've just calmed down.
One cheeky little monkey was just chilling quietly in his bassinette but smiling every time I said go to sleep. .  It's bedtime. .  He was wide awake but I could tell by his still feet, arms and other movements - or lack of he was going to go to sleep in the next 10.

So knowing all too well when you walk out the door he'll decide to cry because:
a) you've left
b) his dummy fell (or more like projectiled it) out
c) he's now decided he'll let go of his wind
d) none or all of the above

I thought I'd just lie down on our bed so he couldn't see me and I'd get an idea if this was really going to happen. Next thing I know he's thrown up all his food (probably his 5am feed also) and choking on it. So I jump up and hold him up so he can at least not spew like a water fountain back onto himself.

Talk about scary when he's not breathing and just spewing.. This one has been by far the worst. The others he'd spew sniff it back up a bit and then cry.

This time it took him ages as he sat in spewing silence for a bit too long. So a nice warm bath since his head had a nice film of spew all over a quick blow dry and clean clothes with makeshift blankets.

What a morning and I haven't even had breakfast yet.
I think I might try to have a go at some knitting.
Yes that's what I said!
Anyone would think I have grandkids. .  but I do love it - so far :D

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